PAS 2050: 2011

Specifications for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions during the lifespan of products and services

PAS 2050: 2011

PAS 2050 was first published in 2008 by the British Standardization Organization (BSI) as the first global methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the lifespan of products and services. It provides customized guidelines and sets the  requirements for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment that enable a more efficient application and carbon footprint measurement.


The PAS 2050: 2011 standard is addressed to:

This standard can be applied by all categories of companies, regardless of their type, product, or service, in order to assess the impact of their daily activities on climate change.


Advantages of applying the standard:

  • Evaluation of the carbon footprint of the company and the evaluation of the possibilities of its reduction
  • Reduction of business operating costs through energy savings, energy efficiency improvement and more rational management of energy resources
  • Presentation of reliable and measurable data to anyone interested
  • Improving the image of the company both to third parties (customers, society, suppliers) and to its own staff while increasing their environmental awareness
  • Development of corporate social responsibility
  • Evaluation of alternative methods of production, processing, selection of raw materials and evaluation of suppliers to reduce GHG emissions
  • Increase of interest from international organizations that have great environmental awareness
  • Continuous improvement of the company, as it follows the new trends in environmental protection