Food Safety

and Quality Consultants

Rural Development Programmes

Producers’ Groups

A producers’ group is an independent legal entity, which is set up by producers (farmers or stockbreeders). This collectivity co-decides and follows joint actio ...

Product registration as PDO or PGI

As PDO, is characterized a product that owes its unique characteristics to the specificity of the region that is produced, while as PGI, is characterized a prod ...

Environmental impact studies

Every human activity affects the environment to a greater or lesser degree. Ultimately, due to the rapid climate change, the trend towards the production of env ...

Special customer requirements

Many companies involved in the agri-food chain, respecting the consumers' need for safer and quality products, have established stricter requirements, which in ...

Measure 11: Organic Agriculture

Measure 11 is part of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 and according to it, aid is given to the producers who want to convert or maintain the currently e ...

Multifunctional farms

An agricultural holding is considered as multifunctional, when in addition to its traditional role (primary production), is active in the other two productive s ...

Agricultural advisors

At Quality Agro Solution, we consider agriculture as one of the most important pillars of the national economy. For this reason, our executives have been certif ...

Young farmers program

Of all the development programs that have been published in the last years, the Young Farmers program is of the greatest interest as ultimately, it has been obs ...