ISO 14064 Greenhouse gas emissions

ISO 14064 Greenhouse gas emissions


The Greenhouse Gas Management System is a tool for quantifying, monitoring, reducing, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions. The ISO 14064 standard aims to tackle climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a credible and transparent process, which presupposes the consistency of each business and the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions.


The ISO 14064 standard consists of three parts:

  • ISO 14064-1, which sets out the principles and requirements on an organizational level for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and absorptions. It also includes the requirements for designing, developing, managing, reporting, and verifying a business’s GHG inventory.
  • ISO 14064-2: 2006 which sets out the principles and requirements and provides project-level guidance for the quantification, monitoring and reporting of activities aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or removal improvements. It also includes requirements for planning a project to reduce or avoid GHG emissions.
  • ISO 14064-3, which sets out the principles and requirements and provides guidance to those conducting or managing the validation and / or verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) claims.


The ISO 14064 standard is addressed to:

A greenhouse gas management system can be implemented and then certified by all categories of companies, regardless of their type, product, or service.

More specifically, it is addressed to companies that set as their primary goal, not only the reduction of their carbon footprint but also a more rational management of greenhouse gas emissions.


Advantages of applying the standard:

  • Compliance with the Legislation, resulting in better profits due to the fine reduction and the better communication with public organizations
  • Reduced business operating costs through energy savings, energy efficiency improvement and more rational management of the energy resources
  • Evaluation of the carbon footprint of the company and the examination of the possibilities for its reduction
  • Presentation of reliable and measurable data to anyone interested
  • Improving the image of the company both to third parties (customers, society, suppliers) and to its own staff while increasing their environmental awareness
  • Increasing interest from international organizations that have increased environmental awareness
  • Continuous improvement of the company, as it follows the new trends in environmental protection