ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001: 2015

This standard is universally accepted and recognized and has the significant advantage that it can be applied by a wide range of companies, regardless of their sector. It promotes the continuous improvement and organization of each company that lead to the reduction of the operating costs and the increase of competitiveness. Consequently, the quality of each product or service is increased, as well as the customer satisfaction. All the above, require careful planning of the company’s strategy, as well as setting  the goals and control procedures so that they are perfectly adapted to the needs of the company. These processes cover the whole range, from the design of the product or service to the sale or implementation.


 The ISO 9001: 2015 standard is addressed to:

All companies that are interested in increasing the quality of their products or services, regardless of their size or activity in addition to improving their operation.


Advantages of applying the standard:

  • Creating a competitive advantage and attracting new customers
  • Increase of the productivity through better work organization
  • Cost reduction through resource / time optimization
  • Increase of the quality of products / services
  • Increase of customer confidence & satisfaction due to enhancing the prestige of the business
  • Opening in foreign markets and increasing investments
  • Continuous improvement by applying objective monitoring methods
  • Increase of staff satisfaction & performance due to ongoing training