Carbon Footprint
The Carbon Footprint of a Product / Service is the total carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that are emitted during the lifespan of the product / service, including its production, use and final disposal. Therefore, it can be used as a unified and independent method for the impact of a company’s activities on the environment and consequently on climate change. It is an internationally recognized method and includes the measurement of the greenhouse gases that are emitted during the operations of each company, as well as a plan to reduce emissions and produce climate-neutral products or services. The latter is achieved through greenhouse gas emission compensation projects by environmental protection practices and zeroing of the footprint. In order to reliably measure the carbon footprint of a product or service, it is vital to use the appropriate standards.
The following are considered the most reliable:
- ISO 14040: Life Cycle Assessment – Principles & framework
- ISO 14044: Life Cycle Assessment – Requirements & guidelines
- ISO 14064: Greenhouse gases – Part 1, 2 & 3
- PAS 2050: Product Carbon Footprint Standard
- PAS 2060: Carbon neutrality
The Carbon Footprint standard is addressed to:
All companies and organizations regardless of their type, size, product, or service provided (primary production, processing, trade, services, handicrafts, industry) that have an impact on the environment.
Advantages of applying the standard:
- Reduction of the operating costs of the business through energy and resource savings (increase of recycling and energy saving)
- Improvement of the image of the company to both the employees and the public opinion
- Interest increase of international organizations that have great environmental awareness
- The standard is a comparative advantage over competitors
- Increase of the environmental sustainability by reducing gas emissions
- Increase of the company’s environmental credentials
- Compliance with environmental protection principles beyond the current Legislation
- Continuous improvement of the company, as it follows the new trends in environmental protection